Monday, July 27, 2009


kipin aLive tHe tHreads.. tiMe cAn HeaL bUt stiLL tHe pAin wOnt stOp!!... g.m.

: post new songs, La-Ag, yaGatz, and jamMing..[/b] rastaman foundation seeks to maintain a dynamic foundation that will enable individuals, groups, and/or communities in developing nations, particularly philippines, to create and implement programs that assist in the empowerment of the oppressed and the elimination of generational poverty through sustainable projects. The Foundation supports non-profit organizations and NGOs that meet criteria established by the Board of Directors and seeks support by way of partnerships to benefit the many projects. The Bob rastaman foundation gives much-needed support to a world of people living in poverty. Your financial sponsorship, physical contribution, and continued support are vital. It assures that our mission and programs will continue to provide help to needed communities. jah bless..

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